By Ally B
JP brought it last Tuesday as we went through James 5:7-12! I encourage you to spend time in those verses.
It really caught my attention when he talked about how we often ask why God doesn’t just start fixing the things that are wrong in this world, and deal with the people that need to be dealt with. JP made a good point, where should God start then? Should he start with murderers, liars, cheaters, or maybe even with us? You see we’ve all sinned and added to the brokenness and mess that we’ve made this world. “Praise God he didn’t start before you knew him.” Christ is going to come again, but he wants us all to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Tears fill my eyes when I think of the times I’ve turned my back on the Lord, and the pain I’ve caused myself and others. Then tears of joy come when I think of how the Lord loves us, is patient with us, forgives us, and even wants to use us to help build his kingdom. We are called to be ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), bearing witness to those around us. Sharing what we know to be true and the good news that HE IS COMING BACK! We know how this is going to end.
If you’ve met me you know how much I love football, Auburn football more specifically, but as silly as this seems I’ve been asking myself this question and want to ask you as well….I plan my weekends around when Auburn is playing, have my jersey on, chat with everyone who will listen to me about the game, learn stats, and cheer way too much, but am I that way about Christ? Do I plan for His coming again, share with everyone who will listen, know and share his Word that is Truth, and give God all the glory and praise for everything in my life? Am I more excited about football than Christ? Are you? Or maybe it’s something else you’re passionate about, but why aren't we that much more excited and passionate about the Gospel and truth that Christ is coming again?
I was at lunch not too long ago and overheard a child in a booth next to me talking about Jesus to his family. He said... "I want to be alive when he comes back!...We've got to tell everybody he's coming!" He was so excited. Those two little sentences from a child were such a great reminder for me. As I am so easily distracted by things that don't matter and lose sight of the joy and excitement that comes from the Gospel and truth that HE IS COMING BACK...We've got to tell everybody!